Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Funny Things!!!

I wanted to make a post with funny & cool things to look at when I am sad. So here goes:

Teenage Dream http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9HPtfA4Rlbo
I Like Guns http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-TC2xTCb_GU
Kiss Spock http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ln1G8u5RdzY
Amazing http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N1_gFeVyVt8

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Welcome Baby M!!!!

On sunday morning, March 13, 2011, I got a text message from my sister asking if I was awake. Two things popped into my head 1. She had/is having her baby. 2. She is really sick and needs the hospital (she had been sick and I thought she had pneumonia). So, I said "yes" and then next thing I knew my phone was ringing. "I'm at the hospital," she said. Her water had broken in the night but she was only dilated to like a 2. So I knew she had some time. Later on she texted me that she was at a 6 and I continued to putz around, not in a hurry to get to the hospital since I thought it would be awhile (actually I didn't putz around, I went to her house to feed and help with their puppy and I stayed and played a lot with him because I knew he wouldn't be getting much attention while his parents were at the hospital.)

Finally... I realized I better start heading over to the hospital.

Long story short, she was born at about 3:00 in the afternoon and she weighed 6# 10 oz. And she is the cutest baby ever!!!!! Tons of hair and a sweet little calm face. When she gets hungry, she does the cutest thing with her tongue and lips.

It was a beautiful sunny day when she decided to be born and she made the day even more beautiful!!!! I love her.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Warning: Political Talk on my Personal Blog

I have never been interested in politics, economics or finance until recently. I guess I finally realized that the people with the money kinda have the power to save (or break) the world. At least it seems that the people with the money seem to be better at influencing people. Anyway, I want the world and it's people, God's children, to be able to enjoy the freedom to worship and live how we please. With our rights infriged upon as little as possible. This is consistent with God's plan. Those who try and bring about laws and ideaologies that are inconsistent with what is required for God's plan to work are the people who we need to keep out of office and positions of power(yes, I am talking about communism.)

Anyhow, I stumbled on this today and found it a very interesting read.


Enjoy and pray that these individuals will allow freedom and liberty to continue.