On sunday morning, March 13, 2011, I got a text message from my sister asking if I was awake. Two things popped into my head 1. She had/is having her baby. 2. She is really sick and needs the hospital (she had been sick and I thought she had pneumonia). So, I said "yes" and then next thing I knew my phone was ringing. "I'm at the hospital," she said. Her water had broken in the night but she was only dilated to like a 2. So I knew she had some time. Later on she texted me that she was at a 6 and I continued to putz around, not in a hurry to get to the hospital since I thought it would be awhile (actually I didn't putz around, I went to her house to feed and help with their puppy and I stayed and played a lot with him because I knew he wouldn't be getting much attention while his parents were at the hospital.)
Finally... I realized I better start heading over to the hospital.
Long story short, she was born at about 3:00 in the afternoon and she weighed 6# 10 oz. And she is the cutest baby ever!!!!! Tons of hair and a sweet little calm face. When she gets hungry, she does the cutest thing with her tongue and lips.
It was a beautiful sunny day when she decided to be born and she made the day even more beautiful!!!! I love her.