Many people seem to have themes for their blogs. I am currently undecided as to whether I should make this a bead, cooking, dog, infertility or some other kind of blog. Please vote to help me decide.
Today, it will be an infertility related blog. Because this is the mood I am in. For those of you who don't know me, I use sarcasm a lot. I think it is a self protection method that I acquired. I mean, I seem to use it more when I feel very strongly about something. Anyways, I ran across some blogs, one of which linked to the website. I was surprised to see (FINALLY) some information on the church website regarding infertility. This apparently was an article in the Ensign. Check it out if you want: is an organization for infertility and they have a lot of great information. I wish I could make it mandatory for all people to go there and read. Then their would be less foot insertion into well intentioned, but misinformed mouths.
I know that people think those of us that don't have children are materialistic, because we have "such a big house for two people" or that we must be morons because "there are so many kids out there" and we can't seem to pick one up at the local supermarket on a daily basis like everyone else. Interestingly, I have never heard these comments from people who have adopted or who are going through infertility, hmmmm.... Anyways, here is some advice for those that know nothing about infertility & adoption. A good place to start.